
Now Booking Photography Sessions!

Hey everyone!

I am back from my much needed break and am scheduling photography sessions for the spring! I took some time off to focus on the ministry that launched last year (crazy it’s already been a year!) and it was SO timely. God has been doing some hard, beautiful things in my life and taking time to press into what He was asking me to do was just the thing I needed. I said ‘no’ to a lot of wonderful things, but it was so worth saying ‘yes’ to the very best things.

As #IKnowHim continues to grow and move forward in sharing the Gospel through stories that communicate God is real, He is here, and He is good, I am beyond thankful for the support of everyone regarding my photography business. It is an incredible provision that allows me to stay home with my babies but also to put my heart and soul into teaching, writing, and communicating in ministry. When I was thinking about this, I remembered the verse from Ephesians 1:16 that says, “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” I am so overcome with gratitude so often for those that pray for me and my family, and those that support the business that allows me to do the work He has called me too. Your support is making an ETERNAL difference.

All that to say, I am back and so ready to finalize my shooting schedule for the spring. Because of the doors God has opened with the ministry, I am going to be very intentional about booking a limited number of sessions so I can give my absolute best to everything and everyone I commit too. I am beyond thrilled to get behind the camera again and celebrate LIFE and all its wonderful moments and seasons with you all. To celebrate, I am kicking off this new year with a GIVEAWAY! And I hate just having one winner and it’s my game so here’s how this is going to work:

Reserve your photography session (may be scheduled any time in 2017) BEFORE Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14th in case you forgot ;), and you will receive a FREE 8×10 print from your session, of your choosing. Why before Valentine’s Day? Because this is the PERFECT gift! For EVERYONE! I guarantee your mom, sister, cousin, best friend, girlfriend, aunt, etc. will be so thankful AND you will get bonus points for already having a credit for a free print!

Like I said, these spots are LIMITED so email me {rachelsweatt (at) hotmail (dot) com}  ASAP to reserve your spot! After I receive your email, you will get an invoice for the session and as soon as that is paid I will send you a free downloadable print to give if this session is a gift! Just be sure to let me know in the email! And if you are not looking to give a session as a gift but just want to treat yo self to a session and some incredible photos of the people you love, you get a free print too! So DON’T WAIT! These spots go super fast and I to give away as many free prints as I can!

Here is the session information:

-Up to an hour of shooting time (2 locations)

-50 edited, high res images

-Copyright to print

-Redeemable through December 31st, 2017

-FREE 8×10 Print of your choice IF reserved by Feb. 14th 

-PRICE: $200 (due at time of reservation) 

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. It means the world to me and I cannot wait to hear from you!

All the best,







Collab with FV

Interested in collaborating with Rachel to advertise/sponsor on Forever Vibes? GREAT! We love working with businesses that inspire, encourage, and have unique products/apparel to offer! A collaboration will expand both your audience and the blog readership, so it’s a win for everyone. And it’s FUN! Here are a few ways we can work together:

Product/apparel review Rachel will only review products she would potentially buy herself, to maintain integrity of the blog. All reviews will be written honestly. If for some reason we do not feel like it would be beneficial to publicly review your product, we will choose to withdraw from the agreement.

Giveaways Terms of entry may be negotiated between both parties involved. All samples are non-returnable once received.

Social Media Campaign Terms of entry and compensation may be negotiated between both parties involved. All samples are non-returnable once received. 

Sponsored post Rachel will only create content for products she would potentially buy herself to maintain integrity of the blog. All samples are non-returnable once received. Terms for compensation may be negotiated between both parties.

Sidebar Ad Variation of sizes available for a flat-rate purchase. Contact Rachel for more information.

QUESTIONS? Email rachelsweatt@hotmail.com for more information or to get started on your collaboration!

Rachel maintains full editorial control over any collaboration post or campaign on the blog.

Adventure, Personal, Uncategorized

A New Adventure

Welcome to the new blog! I just wanted to take a few moments and update you guys on the new content and fill you in on the transition from my photography blog! For quite a while this new blog has been an idea and after much prayer and patience, I felt like it was the right time! I have been doing so many things the past year and have decided to consolidate my photography blog with a personal blog, so I have the freedom to share more with you all. I am so excited for this new adventure!

Forever Vibes was chosen to be the namesake of this blog because I realized that the common denominator to all the things I loved doing was that they had deeper applications and were strongly correlated to love and joy. The heartbeat of this blog is basically celebrating the things that matter. A variety of content is headed this way, from photography to faith to the pursuit of an abundant life – through creating, laughing, and growing- my hope is that you would leave always encouraged to celebrate what matters. Here’s to new adventures and new friendships! Please say hey in the comment section and tell me some things that you are currently celebrating,  I’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to check out the About Me page for more information AND a link of my favorite posts to date!

All the best,


Give Me Jesus, Uncategorized


Easter brings more newness and revival to me than any new year ever could. I love that as a believer I get to experience the anguish and sorrow of knowing that is was MY sin that put MY Jesus on the cross, and even though he didn’t have to, he stayed there for me. I am so thankful that I get to be brought back to my place of unrighteousness right at the feet of the One who is most righteous. I get to experience the sorrow of Good Friday with the added advantage of knowing that Sunday is COMING.

I think I share this video every year via social media but the phrase ‘Sunday’s Coming’ has come to mean SO much to me. Obviously first it reminds me of the most glorious day in human history when our beloved Savior defeated the one thing every human considers so final and reminds us that with Him is does not end and absolutely nothing could hold him back from COMING BACK FOR US. Second, it has come to be a sort of kick in the pants. Sounds sillly but knowing that Sunday is coming during Easter has resonated with me when thinking about every other day in the year, years. Yes, Sunday came. And so will the day when Christ comes back even more victoriously than the first time. And it is my duty as a follower of Christ to go out and do everything I can to prepare everyone he has entrusted to me for the day of Christ. To make sure that every soul within my sight hears the Gospel and is told of the sacrifice, the cross, and the love so free given to them.

It is one the enemy’s most tactful ways to hinder the harvest that is so ready. To make us feel like we have all the time in the world and to put off the one thing that absolutely MUST be done before we come face to face with our Creator. So, as we approach Friday and mourn our own sin but with the expectant knowledge that SUNDAY is coming, I encourage you to run passionately to do that is that God is asking or has been asking you to do. Every second of our time is precious to both God and Satan. Our Victor and our enemy know that ‘Sunday’ is coming. How would your life look differently if we lived like every second was being fought over for eternity’s sake? How would we see our world, our neighbors, even strangers differently? How would our priorities differ than they might be currently? The work is too great and the risk too high not to consider this.

Please take 3 minutes and 39 seconds to watch this (CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO)  sometime this week. Let me know your thoughts! I’d love to have this conversation with you. What does Sunday is Coming mean to you?


Be blessed friends,



